GMI Camstitch is a vision system for embroidery machines, designed to optimize and help the sewing of patches, appliquè and match embroidery to printed garments.

With GMI CamStitch device embroidery digitizing of appliqué or patches is no longer an issue. Simply position the appliqué on your garment, take a picture and the system will automatically create the stitches to fix or border the piece.

Or you can easily and accurately match an existing embroidery over a patch or a printed design. Again, take a picture and the software will match the embroidery to the design. No more registering issues.

The machine is equipped with high resolution camera and illuminator, for professional results. The vision and embroidery digitizing software, Stilista3, designed by GMI, is also included and is a plus to the system.

GMI CamStitch


GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample
GMI CamStitch sample

